5 top tips for running your club website

Guide All Ages

Advice that will help to safeguard your online content.

1. Set out clear guidelines about the use of your club website
This includes minimum age access, expected behaviour, consequences of inappropriate actions, how to report a concern – and a requirement to sign up to these ‘terms of use’.

2. Lock your privacy settings
This will ensure that your page(s) are used explicitly for club matters and not as a place to meet, share personal details or have private conversations. You should also ensure that all U16s have consent from a parent or carer to access the site (players aged 16-17 are able to self-consent).

3. Nominate a club official to monitor the site
This will help to identify any inappropriate behaviour. Make sure everyone knows who this person is and how to contact them.

4. Place the CEOP, ‘Report Abuse’ app on your website
You should also link to their internet safety site, thinkuknow.co.uk, which gives age appropriate advice to children, parents and carers.

5. Remember that your club is responsible for all its online content
Whether that’s your website, forums, blogs, tweets or social networking areas.

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