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UEFA Women's EURO England 2022

Get trained in preserving football history – for free!

Get trained in preserving football history – for free!

Are you part of a club or fan group and have a women’s football collection? Or would like to start one? If any of your answers are ‘yes’, then why not join one of two free online training courses this September? You’ll be playing your part to curate our shared football heritage.

Course 1: Collecting, sorting, storing and sharing your stories

Who’s it for? Fans and collectors who may have a collection or are looking to start collecting sporting heritage.

What you’ll learn:

  • The importance of collecting and safeguarding our sporting heritage.
  • Guidance and support to start collecting and caring for football heritage.
  • How to collect, record and store material in line with heritage best practice.
  • Ideas to help share the stories you uncover with the wider community.

Course duration: 10-hours (five hours of facilitated sessions and five hours take-away tasks).

More information and to book:

Course 2: Managing collections to support effective audience engagement

Who’s it for? Non-heritage professional collection holders wanting to improve their collection management skills.

What you’ll learn:

  • The importance of collecting and safeguarding our sporting heritage.
  • How to use collections more effectively and creatively to engage audiences.
  • Guidance and support to ensure collection management is in line with heritage best practice.
  • Different models of collection-based audience engagement, using examples from across the sporting heritage network.

Course duration: 10-hours (five hours of facilitated sessions and five hours of take-away tasks).

More information and to book:


Is there a website you think needs archiving?

UK Web Archive

Women’s EURO 2022 gives us all a great opportunity to learn all we can about women’s football history. In part, that means making sure there’s a central record of all websites that contain anything about the history of the women’s game.

So if there’s a relevant website you think needs archiving, please let us know. It’s free and easy to do. Just go here to the website of UK Web Archive, with whom we’re working on this important project.