Nathan Redmond

  • Position: Forward
  • Dob: 06 March 1994 (30YRS)
  • Height: 5FT 8" (173cm)
  • Preferred foot: right
  • Place of birth Birmingham
  • Current club: Burnley FC
  • England debut: 22 March 2017
  • Senior caps: 1
  • Senior Goals: 0

  • Assists 0
  • Chances created 0
  • Minutes played 0
  • Crosses completed 0 %
  • Shot accuracy 0 %


  • U16 Caps 7
  • U17 Caps 19
  • U18 Caps 1
  • U19 Caps 8
  • U20 Caps 4
  • U21 Caps 38


The FA Crest

The livewire winger was a regular for England throughout his teenage years, often playing a year ahead of his natural age group due to his early involvement in senior first-team football with Birmingham City.

Some early highlights of his days with the Young Lions included experiences at the U17 Euro Finals in Serbia and U17 World Cup in Mexico in 2010 and the U19 Euro Finals in Estonia in 2012.

His impressive form with the junior teams saw him elevated into the U21s squad and he became something of a stalwart at that level, featuring over six years and in three campaigns with appearances at the U21 EURO Finals in 2013, 2015 and 2017.

Redmond learnt his trade with his hometown club, Birmingham City, where he emerged through the academy ranks at St. Andrew's and enjoyed three seasons with the first team in the Championship before making a switch to Norwich City where he spent another three years, including two years in the top flight.

In 2016, he moved to Southampton where his development in the top flight continued, resulting in his England senior debut in a game with Germany in March 2017.

OTHER Forwards