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Tests can occur at any time/location - such as post match, after training, or at home

The Drug Testing Process

You can be drug tested at any time and location, including after a game, at a training session or at home. You will be asked to provide a urine and/or a blood sample and may get tested multiple times during the season. In addition, the anti-doping testing programme in Football incorporates an Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) and Players may be selected for blood testing regularly across the season.

Key facts about being tested

  • All testing will be without advance notice. This means no warning will be given of the test.
  • Do not refuse to take the test as this may lead to a 4-year suspension from football.
  • You must stay in full view of the Doping Control Officer (DCO) or Chaperone from the moment you have been notified that you have been selected for testing until the process is complete.
  • If you are selected for a drug test you are required to report to the Doping Control Station (DCS) immediately.
  • You will be asked to remove enough clothing so that the DCO or Chaperone can directly observe the passing of the urine from the body into the collection vessel.
  • If your sample is too dilute, then you will be required to provide an additional sample. Do not overhydrate as this may result in further dilute samples being provided.
  • Please show respect to the Anti-Doping Officials at all times during the process.

Players should feel prepared and know their rights and responsibilities when they are notified to be tested by a Chaperone or Doping Control Officer. Check out this video below on the testing process from start to finish.

You can find out more in the Introduction to Testing section of UKAD’s website, and by watching The FA video “Testing Process Explained” which can be seen below: