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Information provided to The FA to facilitate no advance notice drug testing


Whereabouts is a tool designed to support an effective no-notice out-of-competition testing programme.

Depending on the level at which your club competes at you may need to provide The FA with information about your whereabouts. 

Players who are eighteen (18) years old on or before 31 August in the relevant season competing in the Premier League and EFL (including reserve players) should follow steps 1, 2 and 3 below. Players who are not eighteen (18) years old on or before 31 August in the relevant season at a Club with a Category 1 Academy should follow step 1 only.

1. Tell The FA If you will be absent from a training session or will arrive after the session has started you must notify The FA before the session start time. If you are leaving before the session has ended you must notify The FA before you leave clearly stating in your notification that you are leaving early. In all notifications provide your full name and club, and if required all of the information at steps 2 and 3. The contact details of The FA are below:

SMS: 07800 140 062
Tel: 0844 980 8210 (24hr messaging service)

2. Provide a full address and 1 hour time slot where and when you will be available that day. The time slot must start at least 2 hours after notification and be between 6am and 11pm. The address must contain a postcode. You can update or change your location/time slot, provided the 2 hour gap is still observed. 

3. Be at the address at the time you have stated and stay there for the hour.

N.B. If you are participating in a club activity at a different venue to that of the scheduled session, you must notify The FA. Preferably, this should be in advance of the training session and in any event, before you leave the original venue to relocate (if applicable), stating your alternative training venue and time.

If you do not adhere to the requirements above, you may get a missed test strike. If you get 3 missed test strikes in 12 months you will be suspended from football for at least 12 months. 

The video below explains what a player needs to know in relation to their whereabouts obligations:


Remember, Whereabouts is your responsibility, not your club’s.