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Reporting Discrimination

How to report discrimination at Wembley and St. George's Park

There are a number of ways to report discrimination at both Wembley Stadium and St. George's Park

Reporting discrimination at WEMBLEY STADIUM connected by EE

If you are at Wembley Stadium connected by EE there are a number of ways to let us know depending on the circumstances: 

If it’s during a match/event, either text HELP to 66566 explaining your concern, go to any of the customer information points on the concourses – or contact your nearest steward or police officer.

If it’s before or after the match/event, for example on trains or buses or outside the stadium, either:

- Report it direct to us here 

- Report it to Kick It Out through their online reporting form or via their reporting app available on both iOS and Android. Alternatively, email Kick It Out at 

- However you report it, you should also inform the Police, either:

- In person

- By calling the local police on 101

- By completing the online reporting form you’ll find here.

- By calling 999 if you are in an emergency

Additional reporting channels for England matches: 

In addition to the channels above, if the incident is at a home or away England match (i.e. men’s, women’s or a Para game) and you are a signed up to My England Football or a member of the England Supporters Travel Club, you can email us at

Before every England game, home and away, we email all England Supporters Travel Club members outlining how they can report any type of negative or harmful behaviour they witness before, during or after a match. For England home matches, we also send this email to all other ticket holders.

All of the advice applies to all England men, women’s and Para matches irrespective of where they are played, alongside being applicable to development team matches, such as under-21 international games.

Reporting discrimination at ST. GEORGE’S PARK

If you’re playing/training at St. George’s Park and you want to report a discriminatory incident, follow the processes for professional football here and grassroots football here.

However, if you’re a member of the public and see/hear/are the victim of discrimination at St. George’s Park, you should contact the on-site Incident Support Team, either:

In person: via the National Football Centre reception
By mobile: 07500 226878
By email: 

All large events at St. George’s Park are stewarded, so you can also report direct to a steward, who will in turn contact the on-site Incident Support Team.

Wembley Stadium and St. George’s Park are both owned and operated by The FA. Wembley is the national football stadium and St. George’s Park in Staffordshire is the national football training centre.