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Tony Carr honoured by FA Licensed Coaches’ Club

Friday 13 Dec 2013
Sir Trevor Brooking presents Tony Carr MBE with his award
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St. George’s Park hosted The FA Licensed Coaches’ Club Awards on Friday as coaches were recognised for their work in developing the next generation of young English players.

The event saw a number of names rewarded for their achievements, dedication and expertise across a variety of categories from grassroots to elite level coaching.

Tony Carr MBE was honoured for his forty plus years of work as West Ham United’s Youth Academy Director as he received the Outstanding Contribution to Youth Development award.


Tony Carr MBE

“I still have the hunger for the challenge of seeing where the next young player is coming from."



During his four decades at the Hammers he has strengthened the club’s tradition for producing youngsters and is not planning on stopping any time soon.

Carr said: “I still have the hunger for the challenge of seeing where the next young player is coming from and ensuring we have a successful academy.

“I feel I have a few years in me yet.”

The evening also represented the first opportunity to engage St. George’s Park with the history of coaching and honour those individuals who have contributed to The FA Coach Education Scheme.

Dario Gradi MBE, Don Howe, Hope Powell CBE, Jimmy Armfield CBE and Howard Wilkinson now take their place in The FA Licensed Coaches’ Club Hall of Fame, and receive a permanent presence at St. George’s Park.


.Jamie Houchen, Head of FA Learning

"It was a celebration for coaches and the profession"



Launched two years ago, the club has a growing membership of 24,000 active coaches and offers a more thorough and varied annual CPD and resource programme than ever before.

Jamie Houchen, Head of FA Learning, said of the ceremony: “It was a celebration for coaches and the profession of coaching.

“It also provided the opportunity for us to acknowledge and thank a select number of individuals who have all played a major part in developing coaching and coach education in England.”


Emma Jenks with her Talent Coach in the Female Game award

Emma Jenks with her Talent Coach in the Female Game award



The FA Licensed Coaches’ Club Awards 2013 winners:

McDonald’s Community Grassroots Coach of the Year:

Mathew Smith

Disability Coach of the Year:

Michelle Wilcock

Talent Coach in the Female Game:

Emma Jenks

Elite Women’s Football Coach of the Year:

Mo Marley MBE

Goalkeeper Coach of the Year:

Tony Parks

Outstanding Contribution Award – Football League - Foundation Coach:

Gary Probert

Outstanding Contribution Award – Football League – Youth Development Coach:

Chris Tucker

Outstanding Contribution Award – Football League – Professional Development Coach:

Andy Awford

Outstanding Contribution to Youth Development:

Tony Carr MBE

Lifelong Contribution to Coaching:

Dario Gradi MBE, Don Howe, Hope Powell CBE, Jimmy Armfield CBE and Howard Wilkinson

Lifelong Contribution to Coach Education:

Dick Bate, Robin Russell and Charles Hughes

By Gary Stonehouse Staff Writer