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Mars Just Play walking football sessions prove to be a hit

Monday 16 Jun 2014
There are 20 walking football centres nationwide

The month-long FA Mars Just Play for free campaign is under way – and adults up and down the country are being encouraged to dust off their boots and get playing again.

A key aim of the nationwide initiative is also to show that football is accessible to everyone and anybody can get involved in the beautiful game.

As part of that commitment a special brand of walking football Just Play sessions are also on offer.

Walking football is a slower version of the game and is designed to give players who may not be able to play regular football the opportunity to play.  

FA Mars Just Play

  • 1,400 kickabouts nationwide
  • Free to take part until 13 July
  • 20,000 places
  • Female-only and walking football sessions available

The rules are exactly the same as the regular version of the game, and there are no age restrictions placed on walking football, so individuals who may not have played for years or perhaps suffer from a mobility injury can play again in confidence.

The FA Mars Just Play campaign kicked-off on the 12 June and runs until 13 July. 

Adults of any age, ability or gender can get involved by simply visiting the Just Play home page, searching for their nearest session and signing up.

The sessions are recreational, light-hearted and most importantly – fun! 

Since the campaign launched a week ago the walking football sessions have proved particularly popular – with players ranging from their 40s right up to their 80s, showing the variation of those wanting to get involved in the game, and demonstrating the campaign truly does make it accessible to all.

FA Mars Just Play kickabouts

FA Mars Just Play kickabouts are free until 13 July

Participants so far have commented on how the slower nature of the game allows older players to return to a sport they once loved - but have had no means to get back involved or methods of finding likeminded people.

Walking football also provides an opportunity for participants to be able to kick a football again and re-live their years of being part of a team.

The cup of tea after the game and the post-match banter is another enjoyable part of the sessions –adding a social element to a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

FA Mars Just Play have 20 centres nationwide that are putting on walking football sessions.

There are also 1,400 additional kickabouts available across the country – offering regular football for all.

So to get involved – in a walking or regular football session – simply click on the link below and find your nearest session!

Click here to sign up for the FA Mars Just Play for free.

By FA Staff