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Tickets for Troops reaches half a million landmark

Thursday 29 May 2014
David Cameron with members of the Tickets for Troops chairty

Tickets For Troops, the military charity which provides free tickets to members of the Armed Forces, has distributed its 500,000th donated ticket.

The milestone has been marked by the Prime Minister and The FA, one of the charity’s top donors, ahead of England's World Cup warm-up match against Peru at Wembley on Friday night.

Over 1,000 troops have been invited to attend the match and cheer on the Three Lions as they play their last game on home soil before heading for Miami and Brazil.

Tickets For Troops was set up in 2009 to recognise the brave servicemen and women who spend months away from their families, need to be available to serve at short notice and put their lives on the line for our country. 

They recognise their commitment, drive and dedication by offering them, on behalf of donors, tickets to events which they can share with their loved ones, as a small acknowledgement of the work they do.

Since its inception, the charity has received an unprecedented amount of support from music, sports, cultural and entertainment organisations across the UK who have donated thousands of tickets for high profile events.

Lord Marland, Chairman of Tickets For Troops, said: “To have reached this fantastic milestone of 500,000 donated tickets in such a short time is an achievement that all of us are very proud of but it would not have been possible without the very generous support of the many organisations, sports clubs, governing bodies, theatres and other venues and many, many individuals. 

"We would like to take this opportunity to wish The FA, Manager Roy Hodgson and captain Steven Gerrard - one of our Patrons - all the best for Brazil and Tickets For Troops will be supporting them all the way.”

Prime Minister David Cameron added: “I’d like to congratulate Tickets for Troops on reaching such an impressive milestone. Our Armed Forces make sacrifices every day to keep us safe and we have a duty to ensure we are doing all we can for them in return. 

"That is why the Government has set up the Armed Forces Covenant to encourage businesses, local authorities and communities to give something back to our troops. This scheme is exactly the kind of thing we want to encourage and is a wonderful way to recognise these brave servicemen and women.”

Hodgson said: “Tickets for Troops is a wonderful organisation and to have donated half a million tickets is an incredible achievement. 

"From The FA’s point of view we are very proud to be able to support our servicemen and women even in a small way by donating tickets. The sacrifices they make puts everything into perspective for us and we hope to do them and the country proud in our own way this summer.”

Steven Gerrard added: “As a Patron of Tickets for Troops this is a proud moment – we thrive on the support that we’re given by the nation at a time like this and not least from those that are working in the armed forces. 

"They are real heroes and to know that over 1,000 troops will be at Wembley on Friday night is great incentive for us all.”

Lucky troop Lance Corporal Louize Watson of 22 Signal Regiment was presented with the 500,000th ticket by the Prime Minister and Gerrard at St. George’s Park on 29 May. 

She said “Tickets For Troops is a big help to everyone within the military. I would not have been able to attend this occasion if it wasn't for the charity. They are a fabulous organisation who give so many opportunities to troops and their families.”

The charity has over 140,000 members registered which includes both current serving personnel and those medically discharged since 2001. They have received tickets for events ranging from the Olympics and Paralympics, Premier League matches, the BRIT awards, a Robbie Williams gig, British Summer Time Hyde Park, the rugby Premiership, cricket, darts, horse racing, Les Miserables as well as many other major theatre performances, music and sporting events.

By FA Staff