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Conference will be 'massive boost' for English Futsal

Thursday 16 Oct 2014
England Futsal Head Coach Peter Sturgess is among the speakers at the Conference
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England Futsal Head Coach Pete Sturgess believes that next month’s FA Licensed Coaches’ Club Futsal Conference, A Catalyst for Change, will have a “major boost” on the health of the game in England.

The two-day event, which is the first FA event of its kind, is set to take place at St. George’s Park on 22-23 November and will feature some of the biggest European and FA Futsal coaching figures in the game. There will also be a number of practical and theory workshops focusing on the growing influence Futsal is having on player development.

Open to football and Futsal coaches alike, Sturgess believes the conference and the quality of its varied programme will be a positive step forward for the game.

"This first national conference is a massive boost for Futsal fans in England," he said.

"There is something for most people and I believe it will be the catalyst for further progress and change.”

FIFA Lead Futsal Coach and former Spanish futsal World Cup winning coach, Javier Lozano

FIFA Lead Futsal Coach and former Spanish Futsal World Cup winning coach, Javier Lozano

Among the speakers will be Javier Lozano, FIFA Lead Futsal Coach, and former Belgium Futsal Head Coach Benny Meurs, while Sturgess himself will deliver a practical workshop on The Emerging England DNA and Futsal. 

He will be joined by fellow FA Futsal coaches and support staff including England Goalkeeper Coach Tony Elliott, FA Youth Coach Educator Ian Bateman and Dr. Daniel Berdejo-del-Fresno, England Strength and Conditioning Coach.  

Dr Berdejo-del-Fresno, who will deliver a session focused on the fitness and conditioning aspects required by the Futsal player, is similarly excited by the prospect the conference could have for moving the sport forwards. 

He said: "Futsal is a growing sport in England, so this kind of event is very important to help to develop the sport. 

"Coach education is key to obtaining better coaches who will produce better players. 

"Therefore, this first Futsal conference with international speakers sharing new knowledge for the coaches, will provide great education support to all English Futsal coaches to create successful learning experiences in their Futsal clubs.”

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View the programme

To view the programme of events in full, please click here

Coming up in December

St. George’s Park will also play host to the 2014 Coaching and Talent ID conferences.

For further details of these upcoming events, please click on the links below:

>> Talent ID Conference

>> Playing Your Part – The 2014 Coaching Conference


By Thomas Coupland SGP Editorial Assistant