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Introducing 'Touchline Types': Which one are you?

Saturday 18 Oct 2014
Infallible Ian

This weekend more than 1,200 clubs will set out their stall by backing the latest phase in The FA’s Respect Campaign and showcase a range of new youth resources to promote and celebrate positive values in the National Game. 

As a springboard for the seventh season of activity there will also be a social media element - as Respect poses the question - which touchline type are you?

‘Set Your Stall Out’ features a range of new posters, ‘Good News’ postcards, ‘parent prompt’ wallet cards as well as touchline barriers, pitch marshals’ bibs, parents’ induction presentations, neon boot laces and Respect touchline signage.

And to assist in recognising which touchline type you are Respect has devised a Touchline Safari to identify the types of adult behaviours that can be seen being displayed every weekend.

These include

Sharon Shuttle Run: Feels the need to run up and down the touch line following the play

Passionate Pauline: Loves football and wants her children to do so as well

Warrior Winston: Every game is a like going to war and needs a speech

Agent Alan: His boy is destined to be a pro – he’s too good for you amateurs

Motivator Mo: Vocal, enthusiastic and supportive – he’s like an extra player

Sweary Steve: There is nothing that can’t be improved with the addition of a swearword.

Infallible Ian: Has never, ever, got a refereeing decision wrong from the touchline

Harpy Helen: It’s her job to scream abuse at the opposition

One-Eyed Olly: His team are always good, the opposition always bad’. Always. Forever

Gamer Gary: Directs his son and daughter just like on his games consul - ‘left, right, pass, shoot’

Pitch Invasion Paul: Touchline or not he’s going onto the pitch to let the Ref know his opinion

Players and supporters who want to take part are being asked to tweet of pictures of themselves using the hashtag #touchlinetype.

FA Respect manager Dermot Collins said: “Many of these characters are familiar figures on the touchlines of this country and to be honest we’ve all got elements of them in our own behaviour.

“Hopefully presenting them in this way will allow us to have a bit of fun but also prompt a bit more self-awareness of the impact we’re having on the experience of young people."

“The resources aim to help young players develop a life time love of the game and they are likely to improve technical skills if their experience of the game is an enjoyable one. 

“Young players are by the very nature very competitive but most play with a sense of fairness and respect for their opponents that isn’t always matched by some of the watching adults.”

By FA Staff