The Isuzu FA Vase

Consett seek revenge against North Shields in FA Vase

Friday 16 Jan 2015
The FA Vase Final has been scheduled for Saturday 9 May

Consett are seeking revenge against North Shields in The FA Vase Fourth Round after the Northumberland side beat them 3-0 in the league earlier in the season.

Both sides compete in the Northern League Division 1, with Consett sat in 11th place while North Shields are top of the table.

Their latest meeting has the makings of a high-scoring game. In the last round Consett overcame Marske 3-2, and North Shields beat Seaham Red Star 4-2.

North Shields v Consett

The FA Vase
Fourth Round Proper
3pm, Saturday 17 January
Daren Persson Stadium, North Shields FC
Winning club will receive £2,000

And Consett club secretary David Pyke believes there will be many more goals in this Vase clash.

He said: "Considering we are precisely mid-table and they are top of the league, it is always going to be tough, but as we lost 3-0 earlier on this season, we are looking for revenge.

"Both teams have goals in them, but we have let in quite a few this season so sometimes we have had to score four just to win a match.

"I would imagine there will be goals in it. We are not the type to park the bus, neither team are, so it will be an interesting game."

That said, Pyke fears that his club have it all to do having been drawn away from their pristine home pitch.

He explained: "We will be at a disadvantage because we have a brand new stadium with an artificial pitch, which is just a year old, so sometimes we are not as good on muddy pitches.

"Since getting the new pitch we have developed into a passing team so hopefully we will be able to play good football, as long as the conditions don't get too bad." 

By FA Staff