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Lidl are new FA Skills partner and England team supermarket

Wednesday 18 Nov 2015
Lidl are lead partner for FA Skills and official supermarket of England team

The England team welcomed a new supporter at last night’s game with France as Lidl became lead partner of FA Skills as well as Official Supermarket of the Three Lions.

For Lidl, the opportunity to work with England and The FA will enable the supermarket retailer to invest in the grassroots of the game, where through the Skills programme, over a million opportunities to play football are available annually. 

Through its extensive network of stores nationwide, Lidl offers the perfect platform to add further impetus as the programme charges towards providing its eight millionth skills place.

The investment from Lidl will provide professional coaching in a fun, safe and progressive environment, increasing participation among home grown talent at this exciting time for English football. 

FA Chief Executive, Martin Glenn said: "Lidl have joined us at an exciting time as we focus our efforts on supporting the grassroots movement through better facilities and coaching. 

"The Skills programme is a great opportunity for young people to get involved in the game, hone their talents and have fun."

Ronny Gottschlich, Lidl UK CEO added: "This is a fantastic opportunity for Lidl and one that we are both excited and extremely proud to be a part of. 

"We look forward to building successful partnerships with The FA, at both a national and community level throughout this great footballing nation."

By FA Staff