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Bailey responds to media reports on doping in football

Thursday 21 Jan 2016
The FA's Darren Bailey responds to media reports on doping in football

The FA's director of football governance and administration, Darren Bailey, has responded to media reports today on the subject of doping in football, and comments made by Arsene Wenger in September last year.

Bailey said: "We discussed this matter with Mr Wenger some weeks ago when the comments were made and both agree this is an extremely important subject.

“However, just as UK Anti-Doping [UKAD] confirmed yesterday [Wednesday 20 January 2016], The FA has no current information to suggest the public cannot trust in the measures we have in place nor should anyone think English football would ever get complacent to the risks of doping.

“We are happy to speak with any manager or player who wishes to discuss with us any issues or concerns relating to anti-doping.

“What is unhelpful, however, for all concerned, are speculative comments without any evidential basis of the nature made by UKAD yesterday. Such comments create a misleading impression and I will be taking this up with UKAD at the highest level.

“The integrity of our game at all levels is of paramount importance which is why we are committed to ensuring it is maintained.

“No other national governing body in the UK dedicates as much resource to prevent doping in its sport and The FA operates one of the most comprehensive national anti-doping testing programmes in the world. We conducted 2,286 tests in season 2014-15.

“Drug testing is conducted both in and out of competition on a no-notice basis including at players’ home addresses. The testing programme is intelligence-based and targeted. In addition, The FA runs both a blood profiling and a urine steroid profiling programme.

“All samples are analysed by UKAD and The FA works closely with them to share all relevant information and maintain full transparency.

“There have been exceptionally few unusual results in English football and none which have so far suggested a doping issue.

“The FA has a comprehensive education programme which includes online modules, player essential guides, presentations and workshops, posters and wallet-sized prohibited lists.

“ website is regularly updated with information and we are available on the phone or e-mail for advice at any time.”

By FA Staff