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Massimo Cellino ban for Agents Regulations breach reduced to 12 months

Friday 03 Feb 2017
Leeds United owner Massimo Cellino

Massimo Cellino’s 18-month suspension for breaching The FA’s Football Agent Regulations has been reduced to 12 months following a successful appeal. The Leeds United owner also had his £250,000 fine reduced to £100,000.

Cellino also appealed against the original decision of the Independent Regulatory Commission to find the case proven. This part of his appeal was dismissed.

A £250,000 fine issued to the club has also been reduced to £200,000 after an Appeal Board hearing.

The charges against Cellino and the club relate to the transaction involving the transfer of Ross McCormack from Leeds to Fulham on 8 July 2014.

With effect from 18 February 2017, Cellino is suspended from all football and football related activity.

The original decision of the Independent Regulatory Commission can be found here.

The other sanctions set down by the original Independent Regulatory Commission in this matter remain.

Written reasons will be provided in due course.

By FA Staff