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Girls at The Olive School in Blackburn are embracing football

Wednesday 10 Jan 2018
Girls at The Olive School in Blackburn have really embraced football

Head teacher Julie Bradley hopes The Olive School in Blackburn will provide a future skipper of the England Women’s team.

The Lancashire primary school took part in Girls’ Football Week last November, and those five days of fun activities ignited a flame among its female pupils which continues to burn.

Girls at The Olive School are now first to the footballs at break time – but some can’t even wait until the bell goes.

PE co-ordinator Suhail Sidat explained: “There have been a few instances in class when I’ve caught a few girls passing notes to each other.

“You ask them what they’re doing and they say ‘Sir, we’re just doing tactics for football.’”

PE coach Callum McPartland added: “If you go out in our [school] yard at dinner, you’ll see as many girls playing football as boys, and it’s brilliant.”

Tauheedul Education Trust, to which The Olive School belongs, was recently designated as an FA Girls’ Area Hub, joining a network of organisations that support and deliver girls’ football across the country.

Bradley said: “Hopefully one day, one of our girls will be the captain of England, who knows?!”

The next Girls' Football Week will take place between 23-28 April and schools will be able to sign up at the beginning of February.

By FA Staff