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Follow Oscar Andrew and check out SuperKicks for active fun this half term

Tuesday 22 Oct 2019
Oscar Andrew is one youngster who has enjoyed using SuperKicks this year

For Oscar Andrew and his mum Anna, SuperKicks has helped them both to make the most of their love for football and exercise.

The 11 year old from Isleworth is football crazy and even though he plays and trains regularly for Hanwell FC, he still wants his football fix inbetween.

And ever since Anna discovered SuperKicks, she’s found it gives them a chance to be active together along with the rest of the family.

“Football is Oscar’s life,” explained Anna.

Oscar and his friends and family have all found themselves using the app

“So we we found SuperKicks and when we had a look at the different exercises and with the three different levels, there’s quite a few we can do together.

“I found it great, I like the nice, bright colours of and the fact that anyone can do it at any age and you can do the activities indoors and outdoors.

“There’s lots of different exercises which you might not have tried or even thought about, so it’s great for me as a parent to get more involved.”

With the interactive element of SuperKicks, the craze has also caught on throughout the household.

SuperKicks is perfect for providing youngsters aged between five and eight the chance to work on different skills and activities away from the more structured setting of a club session.

Not all of the activities on SuperKicks involve a football

“It’s not just about playing football,” added Anna.

“It also incorporates things like a bit of bulldog and balancing exercises so you don’t have to be good at football to get involved and do them.

“But it’s also engaged his younger siblings and he’s got them involved too, so there’s a real fun side to it as well with the scores and levels.

“It’s just a great experience, both for me and for Oscar.”

Visit for more information.

By Nicholas Veevers Content Manager - FA Owned Channels