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The Isuzu FA Vase

The draw for the Buildbase FA Vase first round proper was made at Wembley on Monday

Monday 16 Sep 2019
The FA Vase enters the first round proper stage on Saturday 12 October 2019

The draw for the first round proper of the Buildbase FA Vase was made at Wembley Stadium on Monday morning.

After 169 ties took place in the second round qualifying over the weekend, a further 35 clubs enter the competition at this stage, meaning there will be 102 ties in the first round qualifying.

Games will take place across the weekend of Saturday 12 October 2019, with winning clubs receiving £825 and losing clubs £275 from the FA prize fund pot.

From the weekend’s second round qualifying action, there are still nine ties to be decided by replays which are all scheduled for Tuesday 17 and Thursday 19 September.

See the first round proper draw.


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By FA Staff