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EURO 2020 application results

A summary of EURO 2020 application results for Travel Club members

Friday 24 Jan 2020
Below is a summary of application results - please speak to your lead applicant for your group's results.

Following our previous update, we're pleased to confirm that UEFA have verified our ballot results and will begin sending ticket application results to lead applicants this week.

If you're part of a group, please speak to the lead applicant to obtain your application results and the next steps for completing payment if you're successfully allocated tickets.

All England matches were oversubscribed however Category 1 was under-subscribed for the Final. This was as a result of members opting to be inflexible with their category choice.

A breakdown of the caps cut-off for each match can be found below. Members on a caps level below that cut-off point were entered into the 20% and 10% ballots as per the tournament allocation rules.

Caps cut-off for each match




This table shows that if you were inflexible with your category choice then you may have missed out with a ticket even though you fell in the top 70% of members who applied.

Successful applicants

If you were successfully allocated tickets to EURO 2020, please follow the payment instructions outlined by UEFA carefully. Please remember that you cannot pick and choose which tickets you've been allocated - you must pay for all or none of them. If you've been allocated conditional knockout match tickets, these must also be paid for now; you will not have the option to pay for these at a later date. 

For more information about the methods of payment please refer to the 'Payment' section of our FAQs. 

EURO 2020 FAQs

Disabled access tickets

If you've mistakenly applied for (and been allocated) general access tickets rather than disabled access tickets, unfortunately we cannot make any changes to your application now. 

Unsuccessful applicants

If you weren't allocated tickets to an England match it could be for the following reasons:

  • You did not have enough caps to be in the 70% group
  • You were above the cap cut-off but chose an oversubscribed category and were inflexible
  • You submitted a duplicate application
  • You provided incorrect or invalid personal details
  • You have already been allocated tickets for the same match(es) via the General Public Sale
  • You are suspended from the Travel Club
  • You're not a current member of the England Supporters Travel Club

If any of these scenarios apply to you, unfortunately we cannot assist you further with your application. 

We're not currently operating a waiting list so advise any members who missed out on tickets to refrain from emailing the England Supporters Travel Club. We will continue to request additional tickets from UEFA for all England matches. Should we receive a further allocation of tickets, the website will be updated accordingly with details on how to apply.

Next steps

We recommend all lead applicants read their application results carefully and follow all instructions and advice provided by UEFA. We will continue to provide further advice and updates to Travel Club members in the coming days.

If you have not received an email from UEFA, lead applicants can check their application results via the UEFA website. 



By FA Staff