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Greg Clarke issues update following letter to FA Council

Tuesday 28 Jul 2020
FA chairman Greg Clarke has written to all FA Council members following July's Board meeting

The letter I wrote today to the FA Council was not intended to be divisive, it was in fact intended to highlight an issue that we all care deeply about across both the FA Board and the FA Council.

I have never doubted the commitment across both the Professional Game and the National Game to do everything in our power to address inequality in our game.

We all share the same desire to see English football take a lead role in ensuring our game is inclusive – most notably in leadership positions in football. The FA, Premier League and EFL are all committed to making further significant progress on diversity and inclusion.  

Following high-level talks between all parties today, I recognise now that the views held by the members of the board were not as they first appeared, and that all parties do support a review of FA Board diversity.

I would personally like to thank all stakeholders for moving quickly to eliminate any misunderstanding that had arisen. We are united in wanting to deliver inclusion in our game.

Click here to read a joint statement from the Premier League and EFL, while a statement from our National Game directors can be found here.

By Greg Clarke Former FA chairman