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Anti-homophobia campaign, Rainbow Laces, under way

Monday 08 Sep 2014
Rainbow Laces, an anti-homophobia campaign, beings today

Rainbow Laces – an anti-homophobia in football campaign – begins today, encouraging footballers to wear multicoloured laces to send out a message that anti-gay abuse will not be tolerated. 

The initiative is backed by Stonewall, the biggest charity in Europe campaigning for lesbian, gay and bisexual equality, and the Gay Football Supporters' Network, the national membership organisation of LGBT football fans, teams and supporters' groups.

Fans are encouraged to show their support via social media using the official campaign hashtag #rainbowlaces. 

The Football Association is committed to equality and inclusion at every level of football and works with a range of organisations that share this commitment, including Stonewall, Football v Homophobia and the Gay Football Supporters Network, as well as Kick It Out.

Like that of the Rainbow Laces campaign, The FA’s message is simple: homophobia, like all forms of discrimination, is unacceptable. 

The work being done in addressing this, as well as biphobia and transphobia, is robust and ongoing. 

Our trans policy has been reviewed and updated, and our support for the Football v Homophobia campaign last season saw nearly 50 professional clubs, actively promote positive LGB&T inclusion and engagement messages, as well many more at non-league and County FA level. 

The FA’s ‘Report It’ films released in March, are being distributed to equality organisations and professional clubs as the new season begins to gather momentum. 

This will ensure that there is confidence, in this case, amongst LGB&T players, coaches, managers, referees, administrators, supporters and others in the game to report discrimination if they see or hear it and to ensure they know how to do so.

By FA Staff