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Promotion criteria for Step 5 to Step 4 for 2016-17 season

Monday 26 Oct 2015
Clubs can now apply for promotion from Step 5 to Step 4

Set out below is the process to be followed by clubs seeking to be promoted from Step 5 to Step 4 for Season 2016-17.

This information relates to the arrangements for those clubs wishing to be considered for promotion to Step 4 of the National League System for Season 2016-17.  We would encourage applications only from those clubs that have serious ambitions to progress and either currently have an E Grade or can realistically achieve this by 31 March 2016. 

If you wish to be considered for promotion, the application form should be completed together with the Financial Reporting Initiative form and Club Creditors form. These three forms can be downloaded by clicking on the links above and MUST be completed thoroughly and returned with the following accompanying documentation no later than MONDAY 30 NOVEMBER 2015:-

• Non-refundable application fee cheque for £120 (£100 + VAT) made payable to The Football Association Ltd payable by all applicants 
• Set of approved audited or certified annual accounts which cover the period between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2015.
• Copy of latest floodlight certificate
• Copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association or Club Rules in order to provide evidence of entity
• Security of Tenure documentation – i.e. a copy of the current lease or licence (if in a lease or licence arrangement) or a copy of your ground share agreement (if in a ground share arrangement) which must cover Season 2016-17
• Copy of latest artificial pitch Performance Test Certificate (where applicable)

The application fee will cover the cost of one grading visit if required. If more than one grading visit is required clubs will be charged a further £120 (£100 + VAT) per visit.

Following acceptance of your application, clubs will be forwarded a self assessment grading questionnaire for completion and return. Please only request a grading visit when you are satisfied that the club has reached the requirements for Grade E. THESE ARE GRADING VISITS NOT ADVISORY VISITS. The requirements of Grade E can be found by clicking here.

The completed forms and accompanying documentation can be scanned/emailed (with a cheque to follow in the post) to be received by Monday 30 November 2015.

Please send this to or send by post to Penny Kift, The FA Group, Wembley Stadium, PO Box 1966, London, SW1P 9EQ.  When sending documents by post these must be sent by Recorded or Special Delivery. 

Any forms, accompanying documentation or application fee cheque received after Monday 30 November 2015 deadline will NOT be accepted.  If you have any queries regarding promotion to Step 4, you should contact Penny Kift (

Please note that The FA and Leagues are in the process of introducing a Licencing System for Clubs at Steps 1 to 4 of the National League System from Season 2016-17.  

Therefore it may be necessary for Clubs in a promotion position to provide additional information as required to enable them to qualify for a Licence which will allow them to compete at Step 4 for Season 2016/17.  Further information and an application form will be sent to Clubs in due course.

By FA Staff