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UEFA Women's EURO England 2022

Match Countdown

UEFA Women's EURO 2022 Volunteering Role Descriptions & Timeline

Volunteer Role Descriptions & Volunteering Timelines

The UEFA Women's EURO 2022 Volunteering application window is now closed.

Full details about volunteer roles can be found below.

Spectator Services Volunteer
Spectator Services Volunteers will be at the forefront on an event day ensuring spectators have the best possible match day experience. They will carry out roles at each of the 10 host Stadiums:

  • Providing spectators with information and directions to key areas
  • Helping spectators find their correct entrance to the venue
  • Creating a positive atmosphere ensuring spectators are excited for the match
  • A small number of volunteers will also be responsible for delivering some key stadium functions, such as language services, support for vulnerable persons, luggage storage, mobility support and spectator information points

What skills do you need to be a Spectator Services Volunteer?

  • Friendly and approachable
  • Enjoy talking to people and going above and beyond to make someone’s day
  • Flexible approach when working in a team.
  • Collaborative and team-oriented
  • Problem solver
  • Excellent customer service
  • Great interpersonal skills
  • Passionate

Stadium Support Volunteer
During the tournament, Stadium Support Volunteers will help make the tournament a success by assisting various delivery teams such as Accreditation, Ticketing, Ceremonies, Transport and Workforce Management. The Stadium Support Volunteers will have the opportunity to see the tournament from a variety of perspectives and will perform a range of activities behind the scenes helping to deliver the ultimate show for women’s football.

Your key responsibilities as a Stadium Support Volunteer could include:

  • Accreditation: Under the guidance of the Accreditation team, volunteers will assist in issuing accreditation passes and helping the smooth running of the accreditation centre.
  • Ceremonies: Assist the local ceremonies team to implement pre-match ceremonies and fantertainment activities which set the mood for each event.
  • Ticketing: Helping with the effective implementation of ticketing operations on a matchday, troubleshooting ticketing issues, managing flows at ticketing access points and assist with the running of the ticketing offices or centres at each venue.
  • Transport: Volunteers will support the Event Transport team to deliver high-level transport service for various stakeholder groups
    Workforce Management: Volunteers will help the Volunteer Management team look after all the volunteers and will be supporting with training, check-in, catering and creating a fantastic volunteer experience
  • Stadium Operations: Assisting other operational teams that may require assistance from volunteers in an around the stadiums on an adhoc basis

What skills do you need to be a Stadium Support Volunteer?

  • Can do attitude
  • Flexible, multi tasker who is happy to carry out any task as required
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Enthusiastic, collaborative and team-oriented
  • Excellent customer service skills and a great communicator
  • Experience of IT systems
  • Passionate
  • Excellent customer service
  • Great interpersonal skills

Host City Volunteer
Host Cities are also recruiting Volunteers to who will act as representatives for each city creating a welcoming atmosphere across City centres, fanzones and transport hubs.

Some of their key responsibilities would be:

  • Assisting the local authorities in Fan Zones and Transport hubs
  • Providing information and guidance on the local area
  • Creating a buzz and helping promote the local area to national and international fans
  • Welcoming visitors to their city

What skills do you need to be a Host City Volunteer?

  • Friendly and approachable
  • Enjoy talking to people and going above and beyond to make someone’s day
  • Knowledge, pride and passion about the City
  • Excellent customer service
  • Great interpersonal skills


Volunteering Timeline

November 2021– March 2022: Online Interviews

Online video interviews will take place.

February 2022 – April 2022: Roles Offered
All volunteers will hear back from us by April 2022. Initial volunteer offers will be made via the Volunteer Portal..

March 2022 – April 2022: Mission/Shift Scheduling
Mission/Shift information will be found on the Volunteer Portal.

April 2022 – June 2022: Training Delivery
Training sessions will be provided, including role and stadium-specific training.

June - July 2022: Uniform and Accreditation Collection
Volunteers will be able to collect their accreditation which is needed to volunteer at the tournament. You will also receive an Adidas UEFA Women’s EURO 2022 uniform to wear throughout the tournament.

July 2022: Tournament Time
Once fully trained, uniformed, and accredited you’ll be ready to take on your role as and the fun really begins!