FIFA Futsal Laws of the Game
A kick-in is a method of restarting play.
A kick-in is awarded to the opponents of the player who last touches the ball when the whole of the ball crosses the touch line, either on the ground or in the air, or touches the ceiling of the hall.
A goal may not be scored directly from a kick-in.
Position of the players
The opponents must be:
- on the pitch
- at a distance of no less than 5 m from the place on the touch line where the kick-in is taken
There is one type of procedure:
- kick-in
Position of kick-in
At the moment of delivering the ball, the kicker:
- has one foot on the touch line or on the ground outside the pitch
- kicks the ball, which must be stationary, either from the point where it left the pitch or on the ground outside it at a distance no greater than 25 cm from that point
- delivers the ball within four seconds of being ready to do so The ball in is play when it enters the pitch.
Infringements and sanctions
If, when a kick-in is taken, an opponent is closer to the ball than the required distance:
- the kick-in is retaken by the same team and the offending player is cautioned, unless the advantage can be applied or an offence punishable by a free kick or penalty kick is committed by the opposing team of the player taking the kick-in
If an opponent unfairly distracts or impedes the player taking the kick-in:
- he is cautioned for unsporting behaviour
For any other infringement of the procedure for the kick-in:
The kick-in is taken by a player of the opposing team kick-in taken by a player other than the goalkeeper
If the ball is in play and the player taking the kick-in touches the ball again (except with his hands) before it has touched another player:
- an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred (see Law 13 - Position of free kick)
If the ball is in play and the player taking the kick-in deliberately handles the ball before it has touched another player:
- a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team, to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred (see Law 13 - Position of free kick) and his team is sanctioned with an accumulated foul
- a penalty kick is awarded if the infringement is committed inside the penalty area of the player taking the kick-in and his team is sanctioned with an accumulated foul
Kick-in taken by the goalkeeper
If the ball is in play and the goalkeeper touches the ball again (except with his hands) before it has touched another player:
- an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred (see Law 13 - Position of free kick)
If the ball is in play and the goalkeeper deliberately handles the ball before it has touched another player:
- a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the infringement occurred outside the goalkeeper's penalty area, to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred (see Law 13 - Position of free kick) and his team is sanctioned with an accumulated foul
- an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the infringement occurred inside the goalkeeper's penalty area, to be taken from the penalty area line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred (see Law 13 - Position of free kick)