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Football's safeguarding framework

Football's safeguarding framework

As football’s governing body in England, safeguarding is a fundamental aspect of The FA’s role – and that of its affiliated members.

Collectively we have an ongoing duty to ensure the game is a safe, positive and enjoyable experience for the millions of children, young people and adults who regularly play, watch, coach, referee and volunteer.

Our united approach to safeguard across the game is driven by a clear three-part strategy:

  • Implementing preventative safeguarding measures (such as safer recruitment) to create fun, safe football environments; 
  • Making the reporting of concerns as easy as possible;
  • Ensuring safeguarding, child protection and adult at risk concerns are investigated swiftly and thoroughly in conjunction with statutory agencies – and with demonstrable outcomes.

This ongoing work is all underpinned by our policies, procedures and regulations – each of which you can easily access from the downloads under ‘Useful Resources’ at the foot of this page.

We recognise that for safeguards to be effective across the game, we all need to understand the role we must play. Our national network of Designated Persons (individuals who have taken on a key role to drive safeguards within County FAs, clubs and leagues) is fundamental to help provide access to and support with our policies, preventative measures and reporting processes.

The information you will find below in our useful resources section aims to help everyone have access to safeguarding information.

Ultimately, individual responsibility is imperative.

Information to support grassroots Open Age Adult non-disabled and disability teams and clubs with 16/17 year-old players should refer to 1.4 and 10.5 for support.

Together, let’s protect our wonderful game – and everyone within it – now and for the future.