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About The FA Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department

The Football Association Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department takes a lead role in ensuring that those involved in football, whether as players, medical or exercise science staff, benefit from the latest advances in the prevention and treatment of sports injuries and the development of youth and adult players.

In addition to providing world class care and support for all England national teams, The Football Association Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department provides a wide range of functions for the benefit of football and players at all levels. FA Learning Medical & Sports Science Courses

The Football Association Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department is responsible for the medical and sports science education, training and co-ordination of courses for personnel representing over 43,000 affiliated amateur, youth, semi-professional and professional clubs (over 60,000 teams).

Through FA Learning, The FA Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department provides education for personnel at all levels of football by liaising with;

  • FA County Football Associations
  • FA County Coaching Representatives
  • Professional Club Community Officers
  • Sports Development Officers based in Local Authorities, and representatives of Colleges of Education

The FA Sports Medicine and Sports Science Conferences

The Football Association Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department organises annual FA Sports Medicine & Sports Science Conferences for personnel attached to FA affiliated clubs.

  • FA/RC Surgeons (Edin) International Sports Injury Conference
  • FA Annual Medical Conference
  • FA Annual 'Non-league' Medical Conference
  • FA Fitness and Conditioning Conference

Sports Medicine & Sports Science Research

To organise, co-ordinate and conduct Association Football Medical and Sports Science Research Programmes. The following projects have been covered previously or are active;

  • An Audit of Injury in Academies of Football
  • FA/PFA "The Possible Long Term Effects on Brain Function through Association Football"
  • Specific muscle injury research - preventative strategies
  • An Audit of Injury and Specific Performance on The New Generation of Artificial Surfaces.

Injury Prevention & Player Welfare: Association Football Medical Screening Programme for Youth Trainees

To enhance the health and welfare of players entering the professional game The FA Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department co-ordinates The Association Football Medical Screening Programme for youth players attached to Football Academies and Centres of Excellence. This involves over 750 youth players (16 years old) attached to professional clubs and new recruits to Academies of Football.

The annual medical screening programmes comprise of a cardiological and orthopaedic assessment based at 18 regional cardiological and 18 orthopaedic assessment centres.

FA Doping Control Programme

The FA Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department is responsible for the organisation, administration and co-ordination of The Football Association's compulsory Drug Control Programme. This involves providing education and raising awareness in 20,000 young (9-21 year old) players who are attached to professional club Academies or Centres of Excellence. By liaising with The UK Sports Council's Doping Control Unit and The FA's own Medical Supervising Officers, more than 1200 compulsory, unannounced tests are conducted within professional clubs each season, both post game and post training.

Health Education and Awareness for Players

The FA Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department is responsible for the production of health education/drug awareness pamphlets, involving extensive liaison with drug education agencies. The programme involves the administration and co-ordination of regional drug briefing seminars, venues/facilities and providing information packs.

Recruitment of Teachers / Assessors / FA Drug Testing Supervising Officers

The FA Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department is responsible for the recruitment and briefing of FA Approved Teachers and Assessors for FA Learning Medical and Sports Science Courses. The Charter for Quality - Football Academies / Football Centres of Excellence

In 1997, The FA Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department formulated Medical Criteria governing Football Academies and Centres of Excellence. The Department's involvement with Academies and Centres of Excellence is listed below:-

  • Development, refinement, amendment and monitoring of medical regulations and criteria, in-service training.
  • Assisting Academies and Centres of Excellence with the recruitment of medical and Exercise Science Staff.
  • Devising, co-ordinating and monitoring all aspects of Medical and Exercise Science Research in Academies of Football under the "Charter for Quality".
  • Co-ordinating The Association Football Medical Screening Programme for U17 year old age group players in Football Academies and Centres of Excellence.
  • Co-ordinating The Medical Record Folders for use by Medical staff involved with Academies and Centres of Excellence.
  • Organising 36 hours of annual 'in-service' training for the Continuing Professional Development of Medical and Exercise Staff.

Chartered Physiotherapists in Association Football (C.P.A.F.) Forum

Since 1998 The Football Association Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department has provided a specific organisation for Chartered Physiotherapists who had a special interest in Association Football. This organization became a sub-group of The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine (ACPSM). It was named "Chartered Physiotherapists in Association Football (CPAF). Membership is free but members must be a member of ACPSM.

Recruitment of Sports Medicine & Sports Science Personnel for England International Teams

The Football Association Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department is responsible for the recruitment and appointment of medical personnel for England Teams, FA, English Schools FA, FA's Women's International teams, Tournaments/Training Camps and FA Coaching Courses.

Production of Sports Medicine & Sports Science Articles / Education Material

The production of Medical and Exercise Science Education material and articles for pertinent medical professional journals – British Journal of Sports Medicine, BASEM Journal, "Insight", PFA Newsletters, in order to disseminate best practice in sports medicine and sports science education and services to all levels of football.

Associate Football Resource and Advisory Centre

The Football Association Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department acts as a resource centre and advisory service for all FA affiliated clubs, responding to general enquiries pertaining to sports medicine and sports science services for all levels of football.

FA Medical Working Parties / Groups

The Football Association has an FA Medical Working Group to advise on medical matters for Association Football. In addition, an FA International Team Medical Group meet twice annually for matters specific to the operational aspects involved with International teams.

Production of Specific Directive, Guidelines or Advisory Material for the Professional or Amateur Game

The Football Association Sports Medicine & Sports Science Department working under the umbrella of The FA Medical Working Group has over several years produced advisory material in the form of guidelines or recommendations for both the professional and amateur game.