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Coaching disability football

Disability specific courses for coaching

Coach education – disability-specific courses

These courses are designed to give football coaches and teachers ideas and practices for the inclusion of disabled, deaf or blind players in football, whether in mainstream or impairment-specific sessions.

There are currently three courses available as follows:

Coaching Disabled Footballers
This course teaches coaches to apply coaching skills to meet the needs of players with different impairments. The course establishes basic communication skills for coaching disabled footballers, using appropriate terminology.

Coaching Blind Footballers

This course is designed to provide football coaches with an introduction to working effectively and confidently with blind footballers. Our experienced team of FA-qualified tutors provides a quality service designed to support candidates through the course, ensuring that individual needs are catered for.

Coaching grassroots football

Coaching Deaf Footballer

This course will provide an introduction to the organisation and delivery of safe and enjoyable coaching sessions for deaf players. It is ideally suited to those working with groups of young players and/or teams.

Course duration (all courses)

Six hours (one day)

Course pre-requisites (all courses)

1st4sport Level 1 Certificate in Coaching Football

Course fees and how to apply

Courses are coordinated by your local County FA. Find your County FA here and contact them directly.