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Cerebral palsy football

How to get involved with cerebral palsy and frame football

We work in partnership with Cerebral Palsy Sport and County FAs to develop CP and Frame Football in England.

We also fund a full-time national CP football development officer, who is employed by Cerebral Palsy Sport to retain and grow participation levels.

Cerebral Palsy Football

Cerebral palsy football is for ambulant players with cerebral palsy and other neurological disorders such as stroke and traumatic brain injury. Cerebral palsy football is also sometimes known as CP football or as football seven-a-side.


Classification is based upon what type of movement the individual has and where the impairment is located. At grassroots level in England, players who are eligible are given a classification outcome ranging from FT5 to FT8 where FT8 players are considered to have the more minimal impairment. Internationally, a new classification system was introduced in 2018 and the eligible classification outcomes range from FT1-FT3, where FT1 players are considered to have more significant impairment and FT3 players have minimal impairment.

For more information about classification, click here.

Rule adaptations

The laws of the game are based on FIFA 11-a-side laws with a number of key adaptions to support people with a physical impairment.

• 7 players on each team, squads of 14
• Smaller pitch (Max: 75mx55m) and smaller goals (5mx2m)
• Shorter games (two halves of 30 minutes)
• No offside rule
• Seven players on each team
• Roll ins permitted as well as traditional throw ins iin order to assist players with hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of the body)
• Domestically there must be minimum of 2x FT5 or 6 and maximum of 1x FT8 on the pitch whilst internationally this reverts to minimum 2x FT1 and maximum 1x FT3

For the full laws of the game, click here.

Grassroots player pathway & competition structures

The National CP Football League runs monthly fixtures for adults at variety of central venue locations across the country.

For more information about the national league, please visit the CP Sport Website and for more information about opportunities in your local area please contact your local County FA.




Frame football

Frame football is a new format of the game that is being developed specifically to meet the needs of footballers who require the use of a frame or K walker to aid mobility as it can be difficult to cater for frame users within an inclusive session with non frame users.

We're working in partnership with Cerebral Palsy Sport and members of the National Frame Football Development Group to ensure a holistic approach to developing the game This ensures frame football compliments the physiotherapy that players often receive, utilises current technology and equipment to benefit the sport and will ensure the message of frame football gets across the CP community.

Grassroots frame football


 This format is in its infancy therefore a formal classification system has not yet been established. 

Rule Adaptions
Small sided with a maximum of 5-a-side played Smaller pitch and goalposts
Played on a solid, smooth level surface – tarmac and concrete should be avoided
Two on one rule replaces offside - if two teammates and an opponent are within 3m of the ball whilst it is in play, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposition. Only exception is that a goalkeeper can commit a two on one
Frame contact with the ball is permitted however use of feet is encouraged at all times
Roll ins replace throw ins
No offsides

As of January 2019, there were over 60 affiliated cerebral palsy and frame football teams across the country. In addition to this, there are a range of less formal turn-up-and-play kickabout sessions for those who are either new to the game or prefer a kickabout with friends. 

For more information about opportunities in your local area please contact your local County FA.