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How can you get involved?

What is Just Play?

The FA Snickers Just Play! gives the casual footballer a chance to turn up to a venue and play football. The Just Play kickabout is recreational football at its best – it’s about turning up for an hour of exercise and a bit of fun. It’s football for those who can’t or don’t want to commit to an eight-month long season of matches and training.

We provide the balls, pitch and teams. FA Snickers Just Play! is purely for adults, for men, for women, for those who think they’re talented and for those who think they aren’t. It’s also for those with a disability or for 16–25s or women-only or even veterans; there’s a kickabout designed specifically for you, whatever your age or ability.

There are Just Play kickabouts up and down the country, and if you can’t find one local to you then why not look at setting up your own. Sessions or ‘kickabouts’ are run on a weekly basis over 32 weeks of the year by a Level 1 coach.

Find out how to become a FA Just Play Centre

Don’t leave your love of football back in the day. Find out about availability of sessions in your local area below: