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Mandatory rule change introduced across all levels of grassroots football

Sin bins to be introduced across grassroots football from 2019-20 season

From the 2019-20 season, temporary dismissals also known as 'sin bins' will be introduced across all levels of grassroots football. Players dissent will result in 10-minute temporary dismissals from the pitch.

Take part in our interactive video below highlighting how sin bins will be implemented as punishment for dissent across grassroots football:

sin bins interactive video - view on YouTube

Download our infographic which highlights key changes:

Download sin bins infographic

The mandatory rule change will be implemented up to Step 5 of the National League System and Tier 3 and below in women's football. Sin bins of 10 minutes will be issued at the discretion of referees as punishment for dissent, and will apply to all levels of grassroots football, including youth, veterans, and disability.

Visit our helpful online guide to learn more:  

Visit sin bins online guide

Read our informative FAQs across the various topics below to know more about sin bins:

Why and what are sin bins for?


The card

What happens when players leave or re-enter the field of play?

Discipline and fines

Useful Resources