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FA Council decision on Hull City proposed name change

Wednesday 09 Apr 2014
Hull City's KC Stadium

The FA Council has today rejected Hull City’s application to change their playing name to Hull Tigers.

The Council’s decision – carried by a 63.5% vote of its members – came after a recommendation from The FA’s Membership Committee.

The Council, which is made up of representatives from across football, fully considered the recommendation and the subsequent responses received from Hull City in reaching its decision.

About The FA Council

The FA Council’s powers are set out in the Articles of Association and its roles include regulating football matters such as disciplinary matters, referees and match and competition sanctioning.

The Council delegates a number of these matters to various committees, including the Membership Committee which considers the criteria for Full and Associate Member Club status, membership applications and removal of such status and matters relating to clubs’ financial records, names and constitutions.

Meeting regularly throughout the year, The FA Council represents all of English football and members are appointed from the Premier League, Football League, County FAs, affiliated leagues and associations, clubs, referees, supporters and inclusion bodies. All FA Board Members are also members of The FA Council.

The FA is a not for profit organisation, which puts more than £100m back into the game each year.

By FA Staff