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The FA

What are The FA's duties?

Learn more about The FA's role as a governing body

Thursday 09 Feb 2017

Today’s Parliamentary debate questions The FA’s governance and our ability to comply fully with our duties as a governing body.

We accept that our governance needs reform and that many of the points to be raised in today's debate are valid. We are working hard to meet the Government’s new code for sports bodies and are committed to following their process.Our Chairman, Greg Clarke, has recently given his view on this.

But we strongly reject the allegation that we are not performing our duties.

In fact The FA is a not-for-profit organisation that successfully generates enough revenue to support investment of well over £100m a year into football. No other organisation in the world directs that level of annual investment back into one single national sport.

We believe The FA not only complies fully with its duties as a governing body, but it is comparable with the best governing bodies in the world. This is why:

By FA Staff