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Video: managing player behaviour

Thursday 09 Feb 2017
The FA's Suzanne Smith working with grassroots players

Managing player behaviour can be a tough task regardless of the age or level of player you are working with. 

In the video below, we would like you to identify the most effective behaviour management techniques used by Suzanne Smith, FA County Coach Developer, to help focus a group of grassroots players on the learning objective. 

Here are some questions for you to focus on and think about during the video. 

1) How does the coach set boundaries and expectations?

2) How does the coach keep the players engaged?

3) How does the coach motivate individuals and the group? 

At the end of the footage we would like to know how you might add to, change, or tweak your coaching approach based on your observations.


Is there anything else you noticed?  We would like to know your thoughts on the above questions. You can send through your feedback and questions for Suzanne via the FA Coaching Community powered by Hive Learning -

By FA Staff