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Tell us how we can improve in the 2017 FA Grassroots Football Survey

Thursday 05 Oct 2017
You have until Monday 30 October to have your say

Grassroots football touches the lives of millions of people in England, whether you’re a player, coach, referee, supporter or volunteer, the game is so important to each and every one of you.

The FA is once again giving all those involved in the nation’s favourite sport – more than 12 million people – the opportunity to share your experiences in football and have your say on the future of your beloved game.

The 2017 Grassroots Football Survey will open on Friday 6 October. Visit before Monday 30 October to submit your views.

Topics range from the general satisfaction with your local County FA and the communication you receive, the rating of pitch availability and quality, and views on the standard of football played by children.

The FA’s Grassroots Football Survey is now in its third year and offers a platform for you to give feedback and suggestions in an online poll, which gives the governing body a comprehensive insight into how the beautiful game is thought of in England.

It also provides The FA and County FAs greater understanding of how they can help shape the future and prioritise where their annual investment of £50m into grassroots football actually goes.

Twelve million people are involved in football in England

Over the last two years, nearly 60,000 people who play a role in grassroots football took part in the survey, sharing your views and desires on how you feel the game can be improved.

The findings have revealed much about the game. Social media is playing its part in how you now access and consume information about the game, you are utilising the smaller-sided format rather than the traditional 11v11 game, and many are incorporating other sports into your weekly football fix.

The availability of good-quality artificial grass pitches is also increasingly important to those in the grassroots game. This is good news for those communities set to become beneficiaries of The FA’s Parklife schemes, as well as many other new facilities up and down the country.

More than ever, The FA is committed to the philosophy of ‘For All’ and making sure everyone has the opportunity to be involved in the game at whatever level, whatever background and in whatever capacity you wish to participate.

FA chief executive Martin Glenn hopes this year’s edition of the survey will draw in an even greater level of response, while highlighting both the positives and the areas of improvement within football.

He said: “Since it was launched in 2015 the survey has consistently informed our understanding of the game at this level by giving those that know and understand it best an opportunity to have their voices heard.

“If we are to ensure that opportunities are available across the grassroots game, For All, regardless of race, religion, sexuality or gender, informed investment and services within the game are more important than ever before.

“The real and measurable feedback provided in this survey allows us to prioritise and maximise the areas that really matter and I would encourage all those involved in the game to take part.”

By FA Staff