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Carlisle United's Shaun Miller charged for successful deception of a match official

Thursday 19 Oct 2017
Carlisle's 3-3 draw with Wycombe Wanderers took place at Brunton Park on Tuesday 17 October

Carlisle United player Shaun Miller has been charged for ‘Successful Deception of a Match Official’.

It is alleged he committed a clear act of simulation which led to a penalty being awarded in the 35th minute of the game against Wycombe Wanderers on 17 October 2017. He has until 6pm on 19 October 2017 to respond.

Incidents which suggest a match official has been deceived by an act of simulation are referred to a panel consisting of one ex-match official, one ex-manager and one ex-player.

Each panel member will be asked to review all available video footage independently of one another to determine whether they consider it was an offence of ‘Successful Deception of a Match Official’.

Only in circumstances where the panel are unanimous would The FA issue a charge.

For further information on the offence of ‘Successful Deception of a Match Official’ click here.

By FA Staff