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The FA's Code of Governance for County FAs to be mandated from 2025/26

It is becoming a compulsory requirement for County FAs to be fully compliant with The Code just 5 years after its launch.

Monday 18 May 2020

In January 2020 we were very proud to be the first Sport in England to launch a Code of Governance for our County Football Associations (County FAs) that built upon Sport England’s Code for Sports Governance for National Governing Bodies of Sport.

In complying with this code, County FAs can ensure that their Associations are ran to the highest standards of corporate governance. These standards set out wide ranging benefits to County FAs and helps their Boards and other decision-making structures are best equipped to deliver, safeguard and develop our National Game, ensuring it is a game for all.

Since its launch and at the time of writing (June 2023), 14 County FAs have become fully compliant with the Code and they are strong advocates of the wide-ranging benefits it brings, having witnessed first-hand the benefits. Those benefits are detailed under 5 key areas; Structure, People, Communications, Standards & Conduct and Policies & Processes. In all there are 63 key requirements, all of which are evidence tested before a County FA is awarded compliant status. Once compliant, there is a process in place to ensure County FAs remain compliant and evidence any additional compliance with new requirements that may be introduced in the future as the Code evolves.

To see which County FAs are compliant, look out for the “Code compliant” badge next to their details here.

Tim Foster, Head of Operations, said: “As our beloved National Game supported and played by millions across England, football deserves the very best that we can offer. Given the clear benefits of compliance with this code, compliance will be mandated in full by the start of the 2025/26 season. In becoming compliant, County FAs will be best placed to deliver football as well as represent and support the communities they serve. We look forward to continuing working in close partnership with County FAs over the coming season as they work to adopt this code and in doing so set a new collective standard for sport governance in this country."

Read the code of governance here.


By FA Staff